



P. Aedonitsky On the seventh floor Yu. Zeitlin
P. Aedonitsky Our youth orchestra I. Romanovsky
P. Aedonitsky The song finds friends I. Shaferan
Yu. Akulov Maple L. Shishko
A. Aleksandrov Hymn of Russia S. Mikhalkov
A. Aleksandrov Sacred war V. Lebedev-Kumach
O. Anofriyev What song without bayan O. Anofriyev
L. Afanasyev  I Look to lakes blue  I. Shaferan
A. Babadzhanyan Return me music A. Voznesensky
A. Babadzhanyan Thank you R. Rozhdestvensky
A. Babadzhanyan Year of love A. Voznesensky
A. Babadzhanyan Winter love R. Rozhdestvensky
A. Babadzhanyan Gold tango O. Gadzhikasimov
A. Babadzhanyan Beauty queen A. Gorohov
A. Babadzhanyan Take your time E. Yevtushenko
A. Babadzhanyan Nocturne R. Rozhdestvensky
A. Babadzhanyan Song about Moscow (Best city of the Earth) L. Derbenev
A. Babadzhanyan Wedding R. Rozhdestvensky
A. Babadzhanyan Sun intoxicated (translated by A. Gorohov) G. Karapetyan
A. Babadzhanyan Your footprints E. Yevtushenko
A. Babadzhanyan Devil’s wheel E. Yevtushenko
V. Basner White acacia bunches fragrant M. Matusovsky
V. Basner At anonymous height M. Matusovsky
V. Basner With what begins the Homeland? M. Matusovsky
S. Berezin Snow is turned L. Kozlova
M. Blanter Enemies have burned a native house M. Isakovsky
M. Blanter Katyusha M. Isakovsky
M. Blanter Under the Balkan stars M. Isakovsky
M. Blanter The sun hid behind the mountain A. Kovalenkov
N. Bogoslovsky Dark night V. Agatov
L. Vardanyan We are vagrant artists I. Shaferan
A. Vertinsky Little ballerina N. Grushko
A. Vertinsky Tango “Magnolia” A. Vertinsky
Yu. Vizbor
You’re the only one I have
Yu. Vizbor
V. Vysotsky White silence V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky Crystal house V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky Ivan and Maria V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky Lyrical V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky My Gipsy V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky Morning exercises V. Vysotsky
A. Gavrilin Joke A. Shulgina
O. Gazmanov Officers O. Gazmanov
G. Gladkov  Duet of Princess and King Yu. Entin
G. Gladkov New Year’s song I. Shaferan
G. Gladkov Song of friends Yu. Entin
G. Gladkov The song of a hare and wolf on a carnival Yu. Entin
G. Gladkov Serenade by the Troubadour Yu. Entin
G. Gladkov  Song of Don Quixote Yu. Kym
Yu. Gulyaev I Wish you R. Rozhdestvensky
I. Dunaevsky Waltz Evening M. Matusovsky
I. Dunaevsky Reminiscence D. Samoilova
I. Dunaevsky Everything, as before V. Shkvarkin
I. Dunaevsky My dear Muscovites V. Mass, M. Chervinsky
I. Dunaevsky As there are a lot of girls good V. Lebedev-Kumach
I. Dunaevsky Verses of the Pilot V. Lebedev-Kumach
I. Dunaevsky My Moscow M. Lisyansky, S. Agranyan
I. Dunaevsky Song about a cheerful wind V. Lebedev-Kumach
I. Dunaevsky Song about the Homeland V. Lebedev-Kumach
I. Dunaevsky Instruction M. Matusovsky
I. Dunaevsky Tell her Unknown author
I. Dunaevsky Tyukh-tyukh V. Lebedev-Kumach
M. Dunaevsky Ah, this evening L. Derbenyov
M. Dunaevsky City flowers L. Derbenyov
S. Dyachkov Frankly speaking (We want to tell you honestly) M. Nozhkin
I. Efremov The last link V. Guziy
A. Zatsepin Conversation with happiness L. Derbenev
A. Ivanov, V. Bondarchuk, O. Avakov I call rain M. Tsvetaeva
D. Kabalevsky Serenade of Don Quixote S. Bogomazov
S. Katz Her letter to the front I. Utkin
L. Quint Hello, world! V. Kostrov
E. Kolmanovsky Ancient tango E. Yevtushenko
E. Kolmanovsky You only call me M. Svetlov
E. Kolmanovsky Whether Russians war want? E. Yevtushenko
E. Kolmanovsky I love you, life! K. Vanshenkin
E. Krylatov Winged swing Yu. Entin
E. Krylatov Forest deer Yu. Entin
E. Krylatov Imagine L. Derbenev
E. Krylatov Fine is far Yu. Entin
E. Krylatov Three white horses L. Derbenev
V. Lebedev Lanfren-lanfra (Pigeon) Yu. Ryashentsev
V. Lebedev Romance about love Yu. Ryashentsev
A. Lepin Song about good mood  V. Korostylyov
K. Listov Sevastopol waltz G. Rublev
I. Luchenok May waltz M. Yasen
M. Magomaev Blue eternity G. Kozlovsky
R. Mayorov Rain and I O. Gadzhikasimov
V. Migulya The First April I. Shaferan
V. Milyaev Spring tango V. Milyaev
M. Minkov Requiem M. Tsvetaeva
M. Minkov Old piano  D. Ivanov
G. Movsesyan I am entrusted with the song L. Oshanin
B. Mokrousov Treasured stone A. Zharov
B. Mokrousov Lonely accordion M. Isakovsky
B. Mokrousov Song of a firefighter in love S. Smirnov
B. Mokrousov Sormovskaya lyrical E. Dolmatovsky
K. Molchanov Here are the soldiers coming M. Lvovsky
K. Molchanov Ivolga N. Zabolotsky
K. Molchanov Song of Matvey N. Dorizo
V. Muradeli I am always with you Ya. Haletsky
S. Namin We wish good luck to you I. Shaferan
S. Nikitin Alexandra D. Sukharev, Yu. Vizbor
K. Nikolsky Musician K. Nikolsky
A. Novikov Eh, roads L. Oshanin
A. Novikov Dark-complexioned girl Ya. Shvedov
E. Osin A girl in a phone box cries E. Osin
E. Osin Student intern E. Osin
A. Ostrovsky And at us in the yard L. Oshanin
A. Ostrovsky How to see off steamers K. Vanshenkin
A. Ostrovsky The song remains with the person S. Ostrovoy
A. Ostrovsky Let always be the sun L. Oshanin
R. Pauls Vernissage (duet) I. Reznik
R. Pauls I’ll pick up music A. Voznesensky
A. Pakhmutova Our powerful force N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Spring of the forty fifth year E. Dolmatovsky
A. Pakhmutova Spring in love N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova For the sake of life N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Goodbye, Moscow! N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova You know what kind of guy he was N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova And the battle continues again N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova How young we were N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Our Youth Team N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Melody N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Hope N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova Tenderness S. Grebennikov,
N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova New Year with old friends N. Dobronravov
A. Pakhmutova We will bow to great those years M. L’vov
A. Pakhmutova You are my hope, you are my joy N. Dobronravov
A. Petrov, O. Petrova Roads run everywhere M. Tsvetaeva
A. Petrov Song about the blue cities L. Kuklin
A. Petrov Song about a friend G. Pozhenyan
A. Petrov  I walk across Moscow  G. Shpalikov
S. Pozhlakov Guys of the seventies latitude L. Luchkin
S. Pozhlakov The person left the house L. Magrachev
Dm. and Dan. Pokrass March of tankmen B. Laskin
Dm. and Dan. Pokrass Three tankers B. Laskin
G. Ponomarenko The grove gold has dissuaded S. Esenin
G. Ponomarenko Eh, you, sledge! And horses, horses! S. Esenin
E. Ptichkin Echo of love R. Rozhdestvensky
A. Rybnikov Song by lamplighters B. Okudzhava
I. Sarukhanov My dear old people S. Osiashvili
Yu. Saulsky Happiness to you, Earth! L. Zavalnyuk
Sh. Secunda Moscow gold-domed Unknown author
G. Sviridov Winter evening A. Pushkin
G. Sviridov Maritana (in A. Denneri’s translation) F. Dumanua
G. Sviridov Oh, Motherland, happy and unrelenting hour! S. Esenin
G. Sviridov Vendors S. Esenin
G. Sviridov Robin (in S. Marshak’s translation) R. Berns
V. Sidorov  Friendship  A. Shmulyan
V. Skoroded Moscow (“Yes, it is solved irrevocably now”…) S. Yesenin
Yu. Slonov The wave rustles, the string rings V. Malkov
V. Soloviev-Sedoy the ballad about the soldier M. Matusovsky
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Evening on raid A. Churkin
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Evening song A. Churkin
V. Soloviev-Sedoy On a solar polyanochka A. Fatianov
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Evenings situated near Moscow M. Matusovsky
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Time at way road S. Fogelson
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Because we are pilots A. Fatianov
V. Soloviev-Sedoy Hear me, good M. Isakovsky
G. Starikov Bells G. Starikov
M. Tabachnikov Fidelity (Pass)  A. Nikiforov
M. Tabachnikov  Sister V. Pukhnachyov
M. Tariverdiev Little Prince N. Dobronravov
M. Tariverdiev Moments R. Rozhdestvensky
M. Tariverdiev Song about the distant homeland R. Rozhdestvensky
M. Tariverdiev Sonnet “Interfere with the connection of two hearts” (translated by S. Marshak)  W. Shakespeare
M. Tariverdiev Sonnet about abandoned love (translated by S. Marshak)  W. Shakespeare
M. Tariverdiev Pines G. Pozhenyan
M. Tariverdiev At the mirror (“I bless You”) M. Tsvetaeva
M. Tariverdiev I wasn’t her friend M. Svetlov
M. Tariverdiev I asked the ash V. Kirshon
S. Tulikov  Confession of love M. Tanich
S. Tulikov Homeland Yu. Polukhin
S. Tulikov Son of Russia V. Haritonov
D. Tukhmanov Eternal spring I. Shaferan
D. Tukhmanov Vostochnaya O. Gadzhikasimov
D. Tukhmanov Victory Day V. Kharitonov
D. TuKhmanov From vagantes (Song of student) (in L. Ginzberg’s translation) From “Carmina Burana”
D. Tukhmanov Our darlings I. Shaferan
D. Tukhmanov These eyes opposite to T. Sashko
D. Tukhmanov I will not approach you L. Derbenev, I. Shaferan
D. Tukhmanov I love you, Russia D. Nozhkin
O. Feltzman 14 minutes to start V. Voinovich
O. Feltzman White Light M. Tanich, I. Shaferan
O. Feltzman Half an hour before the spring N. Olev
O. Feltzman Lullaby (translated by Ya. Kozlovsky) R. Gamzatov
O. Feltzman Old words R. Rozhdestvensky
O. Feltzman There is a song in a circle M. Tanich, I. Shaferan
M. Fradkin And years fly E. Dolmatovsky
M. Fradkin The Road to Berlin E. Dolmatovsky
M. Fradkin For that guy R. Rozhdestvensky
M. Fradkin Song about Dnepr E. Dolmatovsky
M. Fradkin Casual waltz E. Dolmatovsky
M. Fradkin I will take away you to the Tundra M. Plyatskovsky
Ya. Frenkel Cranes (in N. Grebnev’s translation) R. Gamzatov
Ya. Frenkel Russian field I. Goff
E. Khanok Winter S. Ostrovoy
E. Khanok Serve Russia I. Reznik
R. Khozak Eternal flame E. Agranovich
T. Khrennikov Moscow windows M. Matusovsky
T. Khrennikov Lepeletye’s song G. Gladkov
T. Khrennikov Song of gunners V. Gusev
T. Khrennikov Song about Moscow V. Gusev
T. Khrennikov What so heart is disturbed M. Matusovsky
V. Tsoi Aluminum cucumbers V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Seen the night V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Eighth-grader V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Blood type V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi A star named “The Sun” V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi When Your Girlfriend Is Sick V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi
Mom is anarchy
V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Pack of cigarettes V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Wake up V. Tsoi
V. Tsoi Good night V. Tsoi
A. Tsfasman Unsuccessful appointment B. Timofeev
V. Chernyshev This big world R. Rozhdestvensky
S. Chigrakov About love O. Tarasov
S. Chigrakov Polonaise S. Chigrakov
V. Shahrin 17 years V. Shahrin
V. Shahrin Take your time V. Shahrin
V. Shahrin No one will hear V. Shahrin
I. Schwartz Your nobleness B. Okudzhava
I. Schwartz Song of a kavalergard B. Okudzhava
L. Shenberg,
P. Kraubner
Song about Ladoga P. Bogdanov
V. Shainsky Smile M. Plyatskovsky
D. Shostakovich Day of a meeting E. Dolmatovsky
D. Shostakovich Day of recognitions E. Dolmatovsky
D. Shostakovich Day of offenses E. Dolmatovsky
D. Shostakovich Day of pleasure E. Dolmatovsky
D. Shostakovich Day of memoirs E. Dolmatovsky
D. Shostakovich Farewell A. Pushkin
A. Eshpai Muscovites (Serezhka from Small Bronnaya) E. Vinokurov
